
[...] well, what were they called? stuart actually hadn't decided what to call his nascent group. "it was just one of those things that happened, like most auspicious things," says stuart of the final decision to call the group belle and sebastian, a name stolen from the books/cartoon series by french writer cecile aubrey.
"i'd been using the name on demos for the previous six months. radio scotland has already played a few belle and sebastian tracks, they'd played the demo of 'la pastie de la bourgeoisie,' which was a really early demo, and they'd played 'dog on wheels' and 'electronic renaissance.' this was during 1994 on the
beat patrol program and they'd said that belle and sebastian were a boy/girl duo who lived on sauchiehall street. at the time, i'd put pictures of joanne on the cover, so it might as well be me and joanne. at the time i said we were brother and sister. when we did the stow thing, one of the kids at stow said to me that we should just call ourselves belle and sebastian. so i thought, 'why not?'"
who this pivotal gent was has been lost to the mists of time, but if he's reading this, it's probably too late to claim some kind of legal ownership of the name, which, in any case, was already owned by madame aubrey, who was less than pleased when she heard about the group.
"when i wrote the story, i just thought it would be fun, because it was as far removed from the black-and-white television program as i could imagine," stuart semi-explains. "that program certainly made an impression on me at a young age." ever conscientious, stuart decided to ask for permission to use the name, to little or no interest from the parties concerned. "i wrote to quite a lot of people i found out they'd made it into a cartoon and that the cartoon was owned by viacom, so i wrote to a man there. it's quite annoying, 'cause you try to do all that stuff, and nobody ever wrote back, and alan and me tried to do it officially, but it wasn't until three years later when
arab strap was released in france that madame aubrey bothered, and she wasn't fine with it at all, she didn't want us to use the name, and it was only after we went to paris to meet her that she grudgingly let us carry on. and it was only because she liked us. me and bel and richard met up with her, and at first she was determined not to let us use it, but she grudgingly let us use it in the end. she was really nice, quite a glamorous older lady, there was something quite mrs. robinson about her. the stories had started out as novels, and sebastian was her son, so in a sense she'd written these books about her son, so we could see why she would be sensitive about it."
stolen (without permission, of course) from:
paul whitelaw,
belle and sebastian: just a modern rock story, st. martin's griffin, new york, 2005, pp. 34-35
sebastian met isabelle outside the hillhead underground station, in glasgow. belle harassed sebastian, but it was lucky for him that she did. she was very nice and funny, and sang very sweetly. sebastian was not to know this, however. sebastian was melancholy. [...]
tigermilk sleeve notes, electric honey records, 06/06/1996.
quoted from:
paul whitelaw,
ibid., p. 269
pristižući iz doline, ostali ugledaše sezara na pragu skrovišta, sa detetom u naručju. vetar se beše smirio i duboka snežna tišina ležala je na planini; glasovi su se sada čuli nadaleko, i oni prepoznaše reski plač novorođenčeta. sa svojih četrnaest godina anželina se lako pela uz brdo, te ona i stiže prva. i lekar je bio mlad, pa ju je pratio skoro u stopu.
-- stigao si prekasno, -- reče mu sezar. -- niko tu više ne može pomoći.
pristiže i žoano, a za njim berg i mali žan, desetogodišnji dečak kome je ta drama samo bila povod za šetnju u brda.
kada je doktor gijom izašao iz skloništa, svi mu priđoše. na njegovom mladom licu čitala se ozbiljnost i sažaljenje.
-- svršeno je, -- reče on. -- ovo dete je sada samo na svetu.
anželina pogleda u dedu očima devojčice u kojima je bilo molećivosti odrasle žene. na to joj on pruži dete:
-- ovo je sin planine. znam da ćete ga ti i žan voleti.
detence beše zaspalo u toplom ovčijem krznu. anželina ga umota u svoj šal, pa žurno krete u dolinu... obuzimao ju je užas od ledene beline visokih planinskih vrhova, čije su se senke preteći pružale do nje i deteta koje je nosila. osećala je želju da beži. da beži ka toplom ognjištu, u kome je pri polasku zapretala vatru, i da tu skloni taj mali, slabašni život, koji je bilo sačuvalo samo čudo.
-- idi s njima, gijome, -- reče sezar. -- ovde više nema posla za tebe.
žoano dodade:
-- mi ćemo se pobrinuti za majku... a dete, to vam je tako osetljivo! bar ono mora ostati u životu!
i žan je potrčao ka njihovoj kući. odjednom zastade:
-- a ime?... ono nema imena!
sezar zastade na ulazu u skrovište.
-- danas je sveti sebastijan -- reče on.
anželina diže glavu ka lekaru:
-- sebastijan?
on se osmehnu na nju. ona na to nežno prigrli bezoblični zamotuljak u svome naručju.
-- hajdemo našoj kući, sebastijane... mi ćemo te voleti... zaista ćemo te voleti.
iznad sela se već u ledeni sumrak dizao dim sa ognjišta na kojima se kuvala večera. anželina, gijom i žan su žurno išli ka toj lakoj plavičastoj magli. izgledalo je kao da se ceo svet odjednom nekako podmladio.
* * *
tog istog dana, dvadesetog januara, na svetog sebastijana, dok je usred oluje visoko u planini dolazio na svet mali sebastijan, na drugom kraju planinskog lanca, mnogo niže, u dolini, rodila se bel...
obri, sesil,
sebastijan i bel, bigz, beograd, 1972, str. 13-14.
velika ilustrovana serija, drugo kolo -- sveska deseta
ovaj roman, čiji naslov u originalu glasi belle et sebastien, koji je napisala sesil obri (cécile aubry), prevela je sa francuskog milena šafarik. ilustracije je izradio brana jovanović.
ovo izdanje zajednički objavljuju beogradski izdavačko-grafički zavod i izdavačko preduzeće prosveta iz beograda. saradnici: miloš ćirić, umetničko-grafička oprema; menja hodžić, lektura; miroslav popović, tehničko uređenje. štampano i povezano 1972. godine u beogradskom izdavačko-grafičkom zavodu, bulevar vojvode mišića 17. za bigz: dušan popović, generalni direktor.
© 1972. librarie hachette, paris
© 1972. bigz (ilustracije)
oslobođeno poreza (službeni glasnik sr srbije br. 26/72)
posveta autorke: mome sinu!
posveta upisana u ovaj primerak:
mojoj drugarici biljani za 10-ti rođendan
knjigu sam kupio na pijaci kalenić u beogradu 22/02/2009. po ceni od 50 dinara (0.53 evra, po srednjem kursu na dan uplate)