holden caulfield, nadjunak iz onoliko obožavanog romana, i a@superstudio, antijunak iz savršeno nepoznatog narativa...
i inače su se utrkivali u slaboj poseti, a u sredu 19/12/2007 stvari postaju još dramatičnije! okršaj titana: u krajnje mračnom uglu ova dvojica. u *navodno* svet(l)om uglu - svetwee nikola, koga prati reputacija jednog od najpopularnijih exponenata opijuma za mase.
bespoštedna borba za svakog posetioca.
ništa posno. twee + norse + power + pop.
i! pub brod
29. novembra 36
sreda, 19/12/2007
holden caulfield i a@superstudio.
dođi. budi treći.
dragi a@superstudio, ovaj ti flyer najavljivach podsecha na ono sto ti daju da chitash kod ochnog lekara, slovo E izmeshtano na razlichite nachine, kunem se da jedna od tih kombinacija je ustvari Sheshelj napisan chirilicom... ali to je na dnu, tad vech nishta ne vidish.
Kapiram da je luda zabava u toku. Ja sam provela Sv.Nikolu u turskom restoranu gde su Grci svirali nekakve starogradske ali underground pesme, pitala sam da li su o pichu i devojkama, a odgovor je bio da su o zatvoru i hashishu. Pa ti vidi.
See u sooon.
jel vas bilo troje?
2 popkitchen:
jes ta slička namenjena da se testira vid, ali nemojte da posle bude kako sam vam podmetao some bad, bad people from the right...
zatvor i hashish? dakle - ni nalik našem twee-dle-dee ugođaju.
sutra! dolaziš sutra!
2 sestra loozerka
bogami (prikladno odabrana poštapalica), troje po troje, lepo se popunio dić-bro. ovoga puta smo uredno sačuvali i playlistu, pa možete doma rekonstruisati događaje. bar one auditivne.
to što je poseta bila dosta iznad mojih očekivanja nikako ne znači da nam nisi nedostajala. next time, sure thing.
evo i playliste:
holden caulfield + a@superstudio
sreda, 19/12/2007
holden [20:30-21:00]
001 The Close Lobsters - A Prophecy
002 Another Sunny Day - Can't You Tell It's True?
003 Aberdeen - Super Sunny Summer
004 Celestial - Brighton Girls
005 Heavenly - Hearts and Crosses
006 June Brides - In The Rain
007 Razorcuts - Sorry To Embarrass You
008 Camera Obscura - Eighties Fan
009 The Apples In Stereo - 7 Stars
a@superstudio [21:00-22:00]
010 Lowgold - The Same Way
011 Hole - Malibu
012 Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm
013 Belly - feed the tree
014 I Love You But I've Chosen Dar - Lights
015 Heroes and Villains - It Will End In Tears
016 Chapterhouse - Breather
017 Lush - For Love
018 My Vitriol - Pieces
019 Voxtrot - Mothers, Sisters, Daughters & Wives
020 The Sundays - Can't Be Sure
021 Jesus & Mary Chain - Sometimes Always
022 Nova Mob - The Last Days of Pompeii-Benediction
023 The House of Love - Christine
024 Cinnamon - I Used to Be Your Loneliness
025 Northern Portrait - Crazy
026 My Life Story - The return of Emerald Green
holden [22:00-23:00]
027 Celestial - Dream On
028 Rocketship - I'm lost without you here
029 The Lodger - My Advice Is On Loan
030 Love Dance - When You're With Him
031 My Teenage Stride - To Live And Die In The Airport Lounge
032 Bedroom Eyes - Blueprint for Departure
033 Ballboy - Essential Wear for Future Trips to Space
034 Even As We Speak - Getting Faster
035 The Manhattan Love Suicides - Kick It Back
036 The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - Orchard of My Eye
037 Black Kids - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
038 Tullycraft - Twee
039 Acid House Kings - Heaven's Just a Kiss Away
040 The Legends - Nothing To Be Done
041 The Mary Onettes - Lost
042 BMX Bandits - The Road Of Love Is Paved With Banana Skins
043 Spearmint - Julie Christie!
044 Irene - By Your Side
a@superstudio [23:00-00:00]
045 Happydeadmen - Silent Sigh City
046 I Was a King - Best Wishes
047 I Was a King - This Is for Real
048 The Elephants - Ann
049 Jens Lekman - The Opposite of Hallelujah
050 Pelle Carlberg - Pamplona
051 The Cardigans - Rise & Shine
052 The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - Doing All the Things That Wouldn't Make Your Parents Proud
053 Lacrosse - So Sad
054 Shout Out Louds - Tonight I Have to Leave It
055 Acid House Kings - A Long Term Plan
056 [holden] Son Volt - The Picture
057 Popsicle - Undulate
058 Freewheel - Starfriend
059 Loveninjas - Earl Grey With Honey
060 Leslies - Yes, I Am
061 The Radio Dept. - Every Time
062 The Wannadies - Hit
063 Merrymakers - A Fine Line
holden [00:00-01:00]
064 David & The Citizens - Pink Evening
065 Belle And Sebastian - I Could Be Dreaming
066 The Wannadies - Love In June
067 Gene - Sick, Sober & Sorry
068 Lutke - Ke Putana
069 Pulp - Mis-shapes
070 Oasis - She's Electric
071 Cosmic Rough Riders - Because You
072 Eva Braun - Bečej Noću
073 Teenage Fanclub - Discolite
074 The Posies - Flavor Of The Month
075 The Lemonheads - Different Drum
076 Buffalo Tom - Witches
077 Hefner - I Took Her Love for Granted
078 The Beautiful South - Manchester
079 Billy Bragg - The Boy Done Good
a@superstudio [01:00-02:15]
080 The Smiths - Stop Me If You Think You've He
081 Morrissey - The More You Ignore Me, ...
082 The National - Mistaken for Strangers
083 Afghan Whigs - 66
084 The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
085 Teenage Fanclub - Neil Jung
086 The Cure - In Between Days
087 Akcija - Izađi Iz Mene
088 Kurve - Sanjam te
089 Oružjem protivu otmičara - Nikako ne mogu da
090 Plavi pepermint - Pravo je vreme
091 Veliki prezir - Padati
092 Kurve - Pomozite
093 Kristali - Dolina ljubavi
094 Jarboli - Moje sve
095 Popcycle - Ministarstvo istine
096 Johnny Boy - Johnny Boy Theme
097 Belle And Sebastian - Dirty Dream No2
098 Silver Screen - Won't You Ever Know
099 The Stone Roses - This Is the One
100 The Psychedelic Furs - Pretty in Pink
101 The Church - Metropolis
102 Pet Shop Boys - Being Boring
[ukupno trajanje: 5:53:46]
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